Rachel Cazalas
Mathematics Teacher
Email: rcazalas@mcpss.com
Text/Call: 251-317-1526
Clever App: Ms. Caz
Courses Taught:
7th Grade Accelerated Math
![Cazalas, Rachel Cazalas, Rachel](https://content.schoolinsites.com/api/documents/fd5bbe2d04fd418bb402ffdf7f8c37f3.jpg)
I was born in Kentucky, but at the age of four my family moved to Chihuahua, Mexico as missionaries. I completed K - 9 in the mission school before moving with my family to Mobile, AL for the remainder of my high
school years. I attended Union University in Jackson, TN where I completed a dual degree in Spanish (minor Mathematics) and Education (minor Liberal Studies). Included in my time at Union, I spent a semester abroad
as an exchange student at the University of Lima in Lima, Peru for my Spanish major and half of my student teaching semester at Anglican International School in Jerusalem, Israel. Upon graduating from college I returned
to Mobile, AL and began teaching 7th grade math in the Mobile County Public School System. I have enjoyed working with middle school students and look forward to another successful year!
Mobile County School System, Mobile, AL - Entering my 17th year of teaching 7th grade Mathematics!!
Adams Middle School (2 yrs - 7th grade math/pre-algebra)
North Mobile County Middle School (4 yrs - 7th/8th grade math/pre-algebra)
Clark-Shaw Magnet School of Mathematics and Science (11 yrs - 7th grade Advanced/Accelerated Math)
Bachelor's Degree in Education (Minor in Liberal Studies) - Union University Jackson, TN
Bachelor's Degree in Spanish (Minor in Mathematics) - Union University Jackson, TN