2024-2025 Science Fair
Clark-Shaw students are the best in Alabama!
Several of our Clark-Shaw students participated in the Alabama Science and Engineering Fair (ASEF) on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at Auburn University. We are proud of all who participated, and we congratulate the following students on their outstanding accomplishments!
Mei-Ling Rollman: 1st place in the Botany/Zoology category [$100], Biological Sciences Award for Outstanding Poster in Animal and Plant Sciences [$100], Health and Wellness of Animals Award [$100], 3rd Place-100 Women Strong Achievement Award [$50], and Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Inventors Challenge (JIC) [awarded to the top 10% of projects in the nation to continue their journey to the national competition].
Landyn Randell: 1st place in the Physics category [$100] and Future Rocket Scientist Award [$50]
Max Norris: 2nd place in the Environmental Sciences category [$50], Outstanding Engineering Award [$100], and Creative Design Award [$100]
Mahtahseen Fatima: Chemistry and Biochemistry Award [$100] and Chemical Engineering Award [$100]
Andres Gonzalez-Espana: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Young Innovator Award [$50]

State Science Fair Results
Regional Science Fair 2023
Clark-Shaw students make their mark at Regionals!
Many Clark-Shaw students competed in the Regional Science and Engineering Fair at the University of South Alabama on March 3rd. Our students were very successful, placing in every category and sweeping the Best in Show awards and the Moore Family Statistical Awards! These students will go on to compete in the Alabama Science and Engineering Fair (ASEF) on April 1, 2023 at Auburn University.
Best in Show:
Edwin Perry (1st)
Mahtahseen Fatima (2nd)
Moore Statistical Awards:
Leigha Newton (1st)
Edwin Perry (2nd)
Katherine Orso (3rd)
Congratulations, students!

Clark-Shaw Science Fair

Parents and families are invited to view the winning Science Fair boards on
Friday, January 27, 2023, from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm.
For a full list of winners, click here: [LINK].
Science Fair Information

Science Fair is an integral part of Clark-Shaw's hands-on, inquiry-based STEM curriculum. Students in all grades will plan, research, and conduct an individual science fair project during 1st and 2nd quarters and present their findings in 3rd quarter.
Failure to turn in a science fair project may result in a failing grade during 3rd quarter as well as adversely affecting the student's science grade during 1st and 2nd quarters. The required math and language arts components will also affect grades in those classes.
Students and parents are encouraged to monitor all science fair required components and their due dates to ensure that students remain on track and successful. All students will receive an information packet in their science fair classes. These can also be found in the documents section of this page. Parents and students are invited to Science Fair Information Meetings on Tuesday, August 23 to learn more about what is required for each grade and to ask questions of science teachers.
Helpful Science Websites
National Geographic https://www.nationalgeographic.com/
Science Friday https://www.sciencefriday.com/
Dope Science podcast https://www.dopelabspodcast.com/
Education: Science Fair https://www.education.com/science-fair/
Science News https://www.sciencenews.org/
Discover Magazine https://www.discovermagazine.com/
The Smithsonian Institute https://www.smithsonianmag.com/
Science Made Simple http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/
Destiny Discoverer Search for science fair project ideas and consider the database results.
Science Fair Central https://www.sciencefaircentral.com/students/scientific-projects
How Stuff Works https://www.howstuffworks.com/
AVL/Access Science https://www.avl.lib.al.us/resources/all
(Click on High School Resources and Scroll down to find Access Science.)